Portfolios and Pensions

With Portfolios and Pension funds, you have different considerations than with KiwiSaver.  In most cases the lump sum is a finite resource and needs to provide a benefit, rather than a vehicle to save into. However, exactly the same concepts can be applied to regular, non-KiwiSaver saving.  The money may be invested for a long term horizon, or it may need to provide an immediate income.  Either way, it makes no sense to place all your faith in just one investment approach or manager.  In addition, you can achieve all the benefits of a Multi-Manager Strategy at the same, or less cost than using a single manager.  For one thing, there's no need for expensive wrap accounts, and, as your money has already been diversified and balanced by professional managers, there's no need for expensive advisory input.


With a Fusion Portfolio, we typically use six Growth managers with different Philosophies, Styles, Asset Allocations and Currency Hedging policies.  We have more manager choice in a private portfolio because there are some managers who don't operate in the KiwiSaver arena, but in reality, any more than six will probably result in overlaps of style, which we try to avoid.  With a Multi-Manager portfolio, we can very accurately target your investor profile. 

We build the growth portion (Company Shares and Commercial Property, here and overseas), using growth and/or aggressive funds, to let those managers concentrate on what they do best.   Then we instruct you to invest the remainder of your funds in cash and/or fixed interest funds to construct your precise required mix.  None of your Growth managers is selected to invest in specific economies or asset types of our choice.  As advisers, we step back from any 'coal-face' asset selection and management, leaving that to the fund managers, where the expertise is greatest. Their Growth or Aggressive funds will invest across whatever they believe to be the optimum spectrum of investable growth assets, including emerging markets, large and small stocks, property shares and sub-funds, globally and locally.  Because they have different investment styles and philosophies, their asset allocations and investments held will be different, giving different results in changing markets.  As each major investment style is used in the mix, we expect the overall result across your growth managers to equal the average result from the entire universe of New Zealand Growth fund managers.To date, it has done exactly that (and even delivered better-than-expected returns).

We believe Growth asset management will be the principle driving force behind your returns so using six top managers who manage all types of Growth assets in their own way, will give you the best 'consensus' outcome.  They may also manage some fixed interest assets in the fund, but still look to maximise returns, rather than create income.

Pension funds

UK Pension Funds

You may have a UK pension fund to transfer.  At Fusion Investing we don't offer a transfer service.  We refer these to industry experts who specialise in such transactions.  You need to transfer your funds to a QROPS registered manager.  To our knowledge, only one offers a multi-manager service.  This is AMP and we refer such business to them.  If you would like to use this service, we can refer you to the best person.

Australian and NZ pension/superannuation funds

If you have any other pension funds, we can advise on their management and where best to invest them.


The investment industry works by convincing savers and investors that "their way is a great way" to invest.  Then they exclude all other opinions, styles and philosophies from their strategy.  At Fusion Investing we believe every manager and their approach has merits, and the smart investor uses more than one to achieve their objectives.

You are years old and earn $ a year.
Your personal contributions are % and
your current KiwiSaver balance is $


Over longer periods, the markets have always provided the returns we need. But human errors, due to manager mistakes and investor behaviour, can erode those returns. At Fusion Investing, we maintain market risk, but eliminate most of your human error risk. In time, this leads to stronger outcomes.

You are years old and earn $ a year.
Your personal contributions are % and
your current KiwiSaver balance is $


The investment industry tells us to diversify and "put our eggs in different baskets". But then they ask us to trust only them with our money and ignore any other managers. At Fusion Investing, we diversify through many managers, philosophies and styles on your behalf. This takes your diversification to a whole new level, and it's safer.

You are years old and earn $ a year.
Your personal contributions are % and
your current KiwiSaver balance is $

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If you’d like to find out more about Fusion Investing, let's get talking. We're here to help.

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